We've all heard the saying "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
It's nearly as old as Al Davis, and timeless enough that I don't even have to come up with a snarky introduction for it, which truly says something because I'm all about the snarky introduction.
So yes, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
I just have one question: what happens when you get fooled a 4th time?
If someone comes up with an answer for that one, by all means let me know. But before you do, email that bad boy over to the Buffalo Bills because they're about 2 weeks away from finding out what the 49ers, Eagles, and Cowboys already learned the hard way: Terrell Owens is an asshole.
I know, I know this isn't groundbreaking news for the rest of America but seeing as how the city of Buffalo doubles as God's meat locker, I say we cut them a little slack. In all honesty, they probably just discovered cable TV last month. Unfortunately for them, it doesn't change the fact that the Bills' locker room is about to become a war zone.
If you saw TO's post game presser on Sunday, you know exactly what I'm talking about. To his credit, a visibly frustrated Owens' was trying to contain it but even underneath a bucket hat and behind dark sunglasses, you could see the feral animal trying to break loose from its cage. He succeeded in holding it back this time, but he always does at first.
But give it time. The reason the media "goaded" - his word, not mine - Owens with questions about his role in the offense and not catching a ball for the first time in 186(!!!) games is because sooner or later, he'll take the bait and give them a month's worth of material.
For the record, I really do believe TO when he says that he's "trying to do the best job [he] can do as far as answering the questions and trying to be a better teammate and not try to throw people under the bus" but the key word in that sentence is 'try' because eventually, he won't try hard enough.
I'm a Cowboys fan, so I've been through it all before. I have friends who are Eagles fans and 49er fans; they have too.
And despite the visceral hatred those fan bases harbor toward one another, they all have one thing in common: on days like Sunday afternoon, they all shake their heads, laugh, and utter four words that could clear the conscience of a death row inmate: "not my problem anymore!"
Maybe its Owens' admittedly tragic upbringing, maybe its his DNA, maybe its something else altogether...but I won't be fooled again. Shame on those of you who do.
This week's YouTube dedication is a 4:30 postcard from Philadelphia their friends in upstate New York. Buffalo fans, welcome to October 2009:
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